IT Assessments

IT Assessments

An IT assessment is a comprehensive and thorough review of company's technology systems and environment. An effective IT assessment will result in a written evaluation and recommendation by our engineers. IT assessments help organizations stay on top of their infrastructure, no matter how large or small your organization. At Jacmel Enterprise Inc., we want to help our clients win with IT

Our engineer will identify your IT strengths and weaknesses so that you can invest wisely.

  • Server Infrastructure: Warranty, support, server performance, operating systems
  • Network Infrastructure/Carrier Service: ISP, network switching, wireless, cabling, and connectivity, LAN/WAN support
  • Cloud Services: Compliance, Accessibility
  • Network Security: Anti-virus, Anti-spam, firewall, content filtering
  • Business Services: Active Directory/Directory services, File/ Print sharing
  • Disaster Recovery: Backups, DR planning

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